Guaranteed Success Rate with IVF Asia Group

IVF Success Rate with IVF Asia Group

In Asia, IVF Asia Group is the first fertility service provider in South Eat Asia to offer advance reproductive technology with Oocyte Rejuvenation and other customizable fertility programs that accept different types of Intended Parents, no matter the gender. Striving for excellence in providing fertility service support for our patients and offer treatments that will give them the greatest chance for a positive pregnancy and live birth in the face of infertility issues.

Confident in helping Intended Parents achieve parenthood, for over six years, IVF Asia Group has been successfully completing families with a 99.3% guaranteed baby program success rate, 54% live birth rate for regular IVF cycles, & 74% blastocyst rate.

IVF Asia Group has been making parenthood possible for six years and running as one of the leading successful surrogacy service providers, with a success rate of 99.3% for parents in the guaranteed program.

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